API Documentation

Moildev Module

class Moildev(file_camera_parameter=None, camera_type=None, **kwarg)[sumber]

Basis: object

Before the ensuing functions can function properly, the camera parameter must be configured at the start of the program. The camera parameter is the outcome of the MOIL laboratory's calibration camera.

  • file_camera_parameter -- *.json file

  • camera_type -- the name of the camera type used (use if yore pass the parameter using *.json file)

  • cameraName -- the name of the camera used

  • cameraFov -- camera field of view (FOV)

  • sensor_width -- size of sensor width

  • sensor_height -- size of sensor height

  • Icx -- center image in x-axis

  • Icy -- center image in y-axis

  • ratio -- the value of the ratio image

  • imageWidth -- the size of width image

  • imageHeight -- the size of height image

  • calibrationRatio -- the value of calibration ratio

  • parameter5 (parameter0 ..) -- intrinsic fisheye camera parameter get from calibration

for more detail, please reference `https://github.com/perseverance-tech-tw/moildev`
classmethod version()[sumber]

Showing the information of the version moildev library.


Moildev version information

property camera_name

Get camera name used.


Camera name (string)

property camera_fov

Get Field of View (FoV) from camera used.


FoV camera (int)

property icx

Get center image x-axis from camera used.


Image center X (int)

property icy

Get center image y-axis from camera used.


Image center Y(int)

property image_width

Get the width of the image used.


image width(int)

property image_height

Get the height of the image used.


image height(int)

property param_0

Get the value of calibration parameter_0 from camera used.


Parameter_0 (float)

property param_1

Get the value of calibration parameter_1 from camera used.


Parameter_1 (float)

property param_2

Get the value of calibration parameter_2 from camera used.


Parameter_2 (float)

property param_3

Get the value of calibration parameter_3 from camera used.


Parameter_3 (float)

property param_4

Get the value of calibration parameter_4 from camera used.


Parameter_4 (float)

property param_5

Get the value of calibration parameter_5 from camera used.


Parameter_5 (float)

maps_anypoint_mode1(alpha, beta, zoom)[sumber]

Generate a pair of X-Y Maps for the specified alpha, beta and zoom parameters, and then utilize the resulting X-Y Maps to remap the original fisheye image to the target angle image. This function has 2 mode to generate maps anypoint, mode 1 is for tube application and mode 2 usually for car application

  • alpha -- value of zenith distance(float).

  • beta -- value of azimuthal distance based on cartography system(float)

  • zoom -- value of zoom(float)


the mapping matrices X mapY: the mapping matrices Y

Return type:


please reference: `https://github.com/perseverance-tech-tw/moildev`
maps_anypoint_mode2(pitch, yaw, roll, zoom)[sumber]

Generate a pair of X-Y Maps for the specified pitch, yaw, and roll also zoom parameters, and then utilize the resulting X-Y Maps to remap the original fisheye image to the target image.

  • pitch -- pitch rotation (from -110 to 110 degree)

  • yaw -- yaw rotation (from -110 to 110 degree)

  • roll -- roll rotation (from -110 to 110 degree)

  • zoom -- zoom scale (1 - 20)


the mapping matrices X mapY: the mapping matrices Y

Return type:


please reference: `https://github.com/perseverance-tech-tw/moildev`
maps_panorama_tube(alpha_min, alpha_max)[sumber]

To generate a pair of X-Y Maps for alpha within 0 ... alpha_max degree, the result X-Y Maps can be used later to generate a panorama image from the original fisheye image.

  • alpha_min -- the minimum alpha degree given

  • alpha_max -- the maximum alpha degree given. The recommended value is half of camera FOV. For example, use 90 for a 180 degree fisheye images and use 110 for a 220 degree fisheye images.


the mapping matrices X mapY: the mapping matrices Y

Return type:


please reference: `https://github.com/perseverance-tech-tw/moildev`
maps_panorama_car(alpha_max, iC_alpha_degree, iC_beta_degree, p_alpha_from, p_alpha_end)[sumber]

To generate a pair of X-Y Maps for alpha within 0 alpha_max degree, the result X-Y Maps can be used later to generate a panorama image from the original fisheye image. The panorama image centered at the 3D direction with alpha = iC_alpha_degree and beta = iC_beta_degree.

  • alpha_max -- max of alpha. The recommended value is half of camera FOV. For example, use 90 for a 180 degree fisheye images and use 110 for a 220 degree fisheye images.

  • iC_alpha_degree -- alpha angle of panorama center.

  • iC_beta_degree -- beta angle of panorama center.

  • p_alpha_from --

  • p_alpha_end --


mapX mapY

please reference: `https://github.com/perseverance-tech-tw/moildev`
maps_panorama_rt(alpha_max, iC_alpha_degree, iC_beta_degree)[sumber]

To generate a pair of X-Y Maps for alpha within 0..alpha_max degree, the result X-Y Maps can be used later to generate a panorama image from the original fisheye image. The panorama image centered at the 3D direction with alpha = iC_alpha_degree and beta = iC_beta_degree.

  • alpha_max -- max of alpha. The recommended value is half of camera FOV. For example, use 90 for a 180 degree fisheye images and use 110 for a 220 degree fisheye images.

  • iC_alpha_degree -- alpha angle of panorama center.

  • iC_beta_degree -- beta angle of panorama center.


mapX mapY

please reference: `https://github.com/perseverance-tech-tw/moildev`
maps_recenter(alpha_max, beta_degree)[sumber]

Create maps for reverse image. this can work using input panorama rotation image

  • alpha_max -- max of alpha. The recommended value is half of camera FOV. For example, use 90 for a 180 degree fisheye images and use 110 for a 220 degree fisheye images.

  • beta_degree -- beta angle.


maps_x_reverse, maps_y_reverse

please reference: `https://github.com/perseverance-tech-tw/moildev`
anypoint_mode1(image, alpha, beta, zoom)[sumber]

Generate anypoint view image. for mode 1, the result rotation is betaOffset degree rotation around the Z-axis(roll) after alphaOffset degree rotation around the X-axis(pitch). for mode 2, The result rotation is thetaY degree rotation around the Y-axis(yaw) after thetaX degree rotation around the X-axis(pitch).

  • image -- source image given

  • alpha -- the alpha offset that corespondent to the pitch rotation

  • beta -- the beta offset that corespondent to the yaw rotation

  • zoom -- decimal zoom factor, normally 1..12


anypoint image

please reference: `https://github.com/perseverance-tech-tw/moildev`
anypoint_mode2(image, pitch, yaw, roll, zoom)[sumber]

Generate anypoint view image. for mode 1, the result rotation is betaOffset degree rotation around the Z-axis(roll) after alphaOffset degree rotation around the X-axis(pitch). for mode 2, The result rotation is thetaY degree rotation around the Y-axis(yaw) after thetaX degree rotation around the X-axis(pitch).

  • image -- source image given

  • pitch -- the alpha offset that corespondent to the pitch rotation

  • yaw -- the beta offset that corespondent to the yaw rotation

  • roll -- the beta offset that corespondent to the yaw rotation

  • zoom -- decimal zoom factor, normally 1..12


anypoint image

please reference: `https://github.com/perseverance-tech-tw/moildev`
panorama_tube(image, alpha_min, alpha_max)[sumber]

The panorama image

  • image -- image source given

  • alpha_min --

  • alpha_max --

  • flip_h -- Flip horizontal axis (boolean True or False)


Panorama view image

please reference: `https://github.com/perseverance-tech-tw/moildev`
panorama_car(image, alpha_max, alpha, beta, left, right, top, bottom)[sumber]

The function that generate a moil dash panorama image from fisheye camera. the image can control by alpha to change the pitch direction and beta for yaw direction. in order to select the roi, we can control by the parameter such as left, right, top, and bottom.

  • image -- input fisheye image

  • alpha_max --

  • alpha -- change the pitch direction(0 ~ 180)

  • beta -- change the yaw direction(-90 ~ 90)

  • left -- crop the left image by scale(0 ~ 1)

  • right -- crop the right image by scale(0 ~ 1)

  • top -- crop the top image by scale(0 ~ 1)

  • bottom -- crop the bottom image by scale(0 ~ 1)

  • flip_h -- Flip horizontal axis (boolean True or False)


Panorama image

please reference: `https://github.com/perseverance-tech-tw/moildev`
recenter(image, alpha_max, iC_alpha_degree, iC_beta_degree)[sumber]

Change the optical point of fisheye image.

  • image -- input image

  • alpha_max -- max of alpha. The recommended value is half of camera FOV. For example, use 90 for a 180 degree fisheye images and use 110 for a 220 degree fisheye images.

  • iC_alpha_degree -- alpha angle of panorama center

  • iC_beta_degree -- beta angle of panorama center


reverse image

please reference: `https://github.com/perseverance-tech-tw/moildev`

Get the alpha from rho image.


rho -- the value of rho given




Get rho image from alpha given.


alpha -- the value of alpha given


rho image

get_alpha_beta(coordinateX, coordinateY, mode=1)[sumber]

Get the alpha beta from specific coordinate image.

  • coordinateX --

  • coordinateY --

  • mode --


alpha, beta (if you get none, the coordinate is out of range that can cover)

please reference: `https://github.com/perseverance-tech-tw/moildev`

Testing code

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the moildev capabilities, you have the option to explore the entire testing code, accessible within the unittest folder.